Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Lisbon Treaty

Here are some interesting things the Lisbon Treaty would do:

1. Give the European Union powers to entrench it's own taxes on the citizens of the member states of the E.U., without any treaties or refendums, if agreed unanimously by governments of the E.U..

2. Give the E.U. new powers to sign treaties with other countries, thus becoming a federal superstate.

3. It says quite clearly it would 'require member states to progressively improve their military capabilities' and would force us to aid countries under armed attack 'by any means in their power.' This would make it impossible for any country in the E.U. to be a entirely peaceful country.

4. Thirty-two areas of policy including the public health service, crime and justice, immigration, culture, tourism, energy and transport would go to Europe and out of our democratically elected parliaments . It would also abolish our individual national vetoes on these areas.

5. In addition to our individual national citizenships, we will all be made citizens of the E.U., whether we like it or not. Although we would maintain our indivual country citizenships, our new E.U. citizenship would be superior to our national citizenship in conflict and war.

6. Bind citizens of E.U. countries to the European Union Charter,which has a little known footnote, the reintroduction of the death penalty in cases of 'war, riot and upheavals'.

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