Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Tale of Auvergne and Modac Part 1

Once upon a time, in Ancient France, there was a griffin widow called Auvergne, and she had a son called Modac. These were no ordinary griffins though, they were the griffins of the French Kings and Queens, the ancient bloodline of the Merovingians. I digress though, for this is not really where our story begins. It really begins in a meadow in Ancient Ukraine, long since mowed over, where a griffin mother was raising her partially orphaned chick.

The chick's father Minsk was slaughtered by the griffin's ancient enemy and frequent foe, man. Men on horses, to be precise. Oh, how they hated horses.

Kenvara the Second

Kenvara the Second is the daughter of Kere 'zec and Kenvara the First . Her brother is called Gershom. She is a character I created.
